
Cinema program "Blokersi" in Warszawa

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Movie poster Blokersi

Runtime: 76 min.
Production: Polska , 2001
Release Date: 25 September 2001
Distribution: Solopan

Directed by: Sylwester Latkowski

Average rate: 5.0
rating 5.0 rating 5.0 rating 5.0 rating 5.0 rating 5.0 rating 5.0 rating 5.0 rating 5.0 rating 5.0 rating 5.0
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Your comments

Hip-HopGirl71 4. October 2001, 15:02

super super
Super fil o realiach zycia na blokowiskach ............... Pozdrawiam autor tego filmu i oczywiscie aktorów!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

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